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About: About
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A Bit About Us

Science is the foundation of our lives. Everything we breathe touch and see can be explained by scientific discovery. Our blog aims to give bloggers the space to explore their intellectual and scientific niche, while also giving them the space to learn from their peers' research and meet new people.. Empirical Science promotes equity and inclusion, and we are accepting anyone and everyone with a passion and drive to learn. Our bloggers are sourced from all around the United States and the world. In fact, four of our bloggers are international members currently living in South Africa, Australia, Canada, and Singapore. Our blog is a testament to how curiosity and inquiry bring people together. The beauty of science is that there is neither fact nor truth; everything is constantly changing. It's this scientific mystique we seek to glorify in our posts. We are all passionate about science and love all it brings to our lives, and we hope that, via our site, you can learn to love it just as much as we do!


  Founder &     President 

  Devon Tonneson :  

1.4K Subscribers
38 Bloggers
100+ Posts


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